
The Shire Seneschal is the leader of Bacchus Wood and helps to appoint other officers to serve the Shire. The other officers are officially appointed by the Kingdom Officer.
There must be at least 5 fully paid up members at all times. A minimum of three officers must serve the Shire. Seneschal, Reeve, and one of A&S / Marshal / or Herald. No two or more of the main officers should be from the same mundane household. More than the other two officers may be appointed if desired and this is not uncommon.
The Seneschal is the Officer if that Officer has not been appointed (except for the two other key officers as above). ie. If no Group Constable has been appointed, the Seneschal is the group Constable.
The Shire Seneschal is an SCA member that has usually been a member for some time and is conversant with SCA procedures and practices and usually holds office for a period of no more than two years before stepping down.
Contact with the Shire is usually initially made through the Shire Seneschal.
Sometimes, an 'Acting' Seneschal is appointed by the outgoing Seneschal until the Kingdom Seneschal appoints a new Shire Seneschal.
If you want to be a Shire Officer, the Seneschal would like to talk to you and have you in a position.

To be a Shire Seneschal you need to:

  • > to be a Financial member for the term of the Office
  • > reasonably versed in the policies and procedures of the office
  • > be able to fulfill all the reporting and administrative requirements
  • > be of reasonable mundane legal standing
  • > be able to readily solve problems of every scale
  • > have good communication skills
  • > know when to pull back
  • > be able to deal with many people of different personality types equitably
  • > be able to allow everyone in the group to be heard and their opinions considered
  • > be able to channel strong personalities to productive endeavours and not allow them to dominate the group
  • > be able to draw shy or new people into the groups activities
  • The Seneschal's office is a very "people person" oriented position of leadership, responsibility and understanding.

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